The past few weeks have been full of travel for both of us. I was fulfilling my annual Navy Reserve Training requirement at Kings Point from January 15th-27th. Rob was in Houston for work the 23rd -27th. He came home for one day and then left for his National Sales Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona from the 29th-2nd. We're both happy to be home. I'm thrilled that Rob didn't suffer any broken bones at the sales conference like some other people.
I took a class for my Reserve duty. It was very informative. I'm sure Katherine is ready to sign up after sitting through two weeks of instruction. My only gripe with the Navy right now is their maternity uniforms. Basically, it entails a pair of black pants with the elastic belly panel, the appropriate uniform shirt, and then a maternity cardigan sweater. I'm guessing that a man designs these uniforms. My cardigan sweater came down to my knees! When I called the uniform supplier, the "gentleman's" response was "You must be short or not very far along in your pregnancy." This is all beside the point! Needless to say, I didn't wear the sweater and found an acceptable uniform to wear. I just wonder how large some of these women must be to fit in to the maternity uniforms!