Friday, July 28, 2006

Life is Hysterical!

Katherine is getting a kick out of the tiniest thing these days. She breaks into a huge gummy grin sometimes for no reason at all. Although I'm sure there's something going on in her world that's hysterical. I've been trying to get a picture of it, but she's such a wiggle worm that the pictures come out blurry.

She's been sleeping more and has been waking up only once or twice a night this whole week. This could be partly due to our switch to formula. She seems much more contented at all times of the day.

The picture below was from yesterday. She wanted to get dressed up for dinner at the diner!

Putty Tat

"I tawt I taw a putty tat." "I did, I did!"

Mason is in love with Katherine. She is visibly upset when Katherine is upset and pleased when she's content. Mason comes out from under the bed in the middle of the night to hang out with me while I feed Katherine and rock her back to sleep.

Mason has been very good about keeping her distance with Katherine. She only sniffs around when we're close by. Last weekend Katherine was sleeping and Mason jumped up in my lap. Ever so slowly, Mason inched her way closer to Katherine until she was laying alongside her. I think Mason's purrs comforted Katherine. A picture is below.

Monday, July 17, 2006

2nd Pediatrician Check-Up

Katherine had her second check-up with the Pediatrician today. She has gained 1 pound and grown 1.5 inches in the last 28 days. The grand total is 8 pounds and 22 inches! We thought she was feeling heavier.

She also received her second hepatitis B shot. She didn't like that at all! The nurse already warned us that her next appointment will include 4 shots that will hurt. Great!

Katherine is smiling a lot these days in response to "conversations", Daddy's singing, and yes, probably some gas.

A few interesting baby facts:
Caucasian babies are born with blue/gray eyes.
Babies don't have kneecaps.
Babies are born with swimming abilities and can naturally hold their breath.
Babies eyes are about 75% the size of an adult eye.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

1 Month Old!

Katherine was officially one month old yesterday. It's hard to believe that it has only been a month. So much has happened and she has grown so much. She is much more awake during the day and is starting to "fill out". Her little fingers are starting to get some pudge on them! Her next check-up and round of immunizations is next week. I'll be interested to see how much she weighs. Katherine really likes music. Besides her lullabies and kiddie songs, she also likes Frank Sinatra and any kind of Blues. She also likes to dance with me to Disney music.

A couple that lives around the corner gave birth to a little boy the day after Katherine was born. The ironic thing is that we were invited to a neighbor's house for Enchiladas on June 9th. The woman swears that they brought on her son's birth. The other couple is related to the neighbor and also invited. We didn't make "enchilada night", but I think the other couple did. The little boy's name is Spencer. Katherine and I met him while we were out one day taking in some fresh air. There are a few new babies in the neighborhood. It will be exciting to see them all grow up together.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

Happy Fourth of July! Our day has been fairly low-key. I have the duty phone for work, so we've been house bound. Considering the weather, we'd prefer to stay inside today anyway. The skies were clear enough for the town fireworks last night. We can see the higher ones from our front yard, so I carried Katherine outside to "see" them. I don't think she can see that far, but she could hear the booms. It didn't seem to phase her. She just had a perplexed look on her face. We went outside between storms today to take the pictures below. Katherine has two patriotic dresses, but they're both too big. Maybe "half-pint" will fit into them by labor day. Her onesie says "Daddy's lil Sparkler".