She has also earned several nicknames already. Grandma and Grandpa F. call her "Hoover" because she sucks down her bottle so fast. Her Daddy calls her "Moose 2" in reference to my nickname and her voracious appetite. She has been sucking down every drop of 6 ozs of formula every 4 hours. I can't wait until she's ready for baby cereal!
The boy down the street has also dubbed her "Kat Girl". That conjures up some interesting Halloween costume ideas. Baby plether anyone?!
Katherine has also figured out that she can use her hands and feet to hit/kick things and cause them to move or make a sound. It seems like she is discovering more and more every day. She plays hard for 10-15 minutes and then has to take a nap. It's a hard life! She also likes hanging out in her bouncy seat while I take my shower or work on the computer. She gets a kick out of watching me brush my har, so I always take the time to brush hers. She likes that.

Resting after Playtime.

Bouncy seat in PJs.