We went down to Fenwick Island, DE two weekends ago (October 6-8) to watch my Dad compete in the Osprey Triathlon. As it happened, a nor'easter hit the eastern shore that weekend. It was quite cold and windy. The triathlon was supposed to take place on Saturday but got postponed to Sunday. The main problem was the open water swim. The conditions were better on Sunday.
Dad did a great job and we are very so proud of him. A summary of his race with great pictures can be found on my Mom's website. www.carrollandbecky.com Just go to the family blog to read all about it. All I have to say is "Nice wetsuit Dad!"
Mom, Rob, Katherine & I kept warm and sipped our coffee while Dad was exerting himself. Katherine was thrilled to watch all of the excitement. She also loved the cool breeze in her hair. Her new teddy bear fleece outfit kept her nice and toasty and the baby carrier and stroller made a great cocoon for her when the wind got too bad.
Here's a picture of her nice and warm and another one with Mom.