Thursday, February 22, 2007
Expectant Perry Family
Dawn and Billy are expecting their first child on or about August 4th. We are very excited for them and look forward to having another niece or nephew.

Strange Baby
I thought it was worth noting that our little girl likes the taste of pickles and lemon. You would expect her to pucker her mouth and back away. But instead, our little girl seems to like the taste and keeps coming back for more. Strange! Broccoli on the other hand, has made her short list of foods she doesn't care for.
Katherine has made a lot of crawling progress in the past few days. She is a speed demon when it comes to rolling and sitting up. She has started figuring out that she can reach more things sitting up than laying down. She has really started to do some army crawling and surprised the cat by suddenly appearing face to face with her. After a quick confrontation, Mason ran away and Katherine proceeded to follow her around the room.
Katherine has made a lot of crawling progress in the past few days. She is a speed demon when it comes to rolling and sitting up. She has started figuring out that she can reach more things sitting up than laying down. She has really started to do some army crawling and surprised the cat by suddenly appearing face to face with her. After a quick confrontation, Mason ran away and Katherine proceeded to follow her around the room.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
8 Months
Has it been 8 months already?!
Katherine continues to amaze us. Her 8th tooth is just popping through the gums. She's rolling all over the place. Most times it's like a steam roller...don't get in her way or she'll run you over! Occasionally she'll go from laying down to sitting up all on her own. She still isn't crawling, but I'm sure she'll figure it out once there's something she wants bad enough.
Katherine's latest tricks are clapping and squishing up her face when she doesn't want to eat (not necessarily at the same time). I've found that the best way to get her to eat is to sing to her. "Do-Re-Me" usually does the trick, but she also likes "The Itzy Bitzy Spider", "I'm a Little Teapot", and "Row Row Row Your Boat".
She is finally starting to chew her food. Every once in a while she forgets and gags on a little piece of carrot. But it's a long way from choking down every bite...literally.
Her favorite "words" are "Ya" and "Ba". These are usually used repeatedly and with increasing volume. And believe me when I say this girl has some lungs! Katherine likes to start yelling when we're trying to talk on the phone or have a conversation. She usually wakes up blabbering. Maybe we should call her Chatty Kathy. I often wonder what she's trying to say.
Katherine continues to grow out of her clothes at a staggering rate. She is now wearing 9-12 month in most clothes and an even bigger size in things like pjs. "Big Foot" has almost outgrown her size 3 soft-soled infant shoes.
With all of her exercise, conversation, and growing, she naps very well. Here are a few pictures of her napping since the last post. She obviously likes cuddling up with Daddy. And yes, she's sleeping in all of the pictures.

Katherine continues to amaze us. Her 8th tooth is just popping through the gums. She's rolling all over the place. Most times it's like a steam roller...don't get in her way or she'll run you over! Occasionally she'll go from laying down to sitting up all on her own. She still isn't crawling, but I'm sure she'll figure it out once there's something she wants bad enough.
Katherine's latest tricks are clapping and squishing up her face when she doesn't want to eat (not necessarily at the same time). I've found that the best way to get her to eat is to sing to her. "Do-Re-Me" usually does the trick, but she also likes "The Itzy Bitzy Spider", "I'm a Little Teapot", and "Row Row Row Your Boat".
She is finally starting to chew her food. Every once in a while she forgets and gags on a little piece of carrot. But it's a long way from choking down every bite...literally.
Her favorite "words" are "Ya" and "Ba". These are usually used repeatedly and with increasing volume. And believe me when I say this girl has some lungs! Katherine likes to start yelling when we're trying to talk on the phone or have a conversation. She usually wakes up blabbering. Maybe we should call her Chatty Kathy. I often wonder what she's trying to say.
Katherine continues to grow out of her clothes at a staggering rate. She is now wearing 9-12 month in most clothes and an even bigger size in things like pjs. "Big Foot" has almost outgrown her size 3 soft-soled infant shoes.
With all of her exercise, conversation, and growing, she naps very well. Here are a few pictures of her napping since the last post. She obviously likes cuddling up with Daddy. And yes, she's sleeping in all of the pictures.

Monday, February 05, 2007
Make that Seven
Katherine's two front teeth and her second lateral incisor are starting to come through the gums. So she went from 2 to 7 teeth in the span of about a week! Tylenol, orajel, and cold teethers seem to help with some of the pain. All in all, Katherine has handled all of the teeth very well. Bring on the steak!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Unconventional Teething
Katherine has been completely miserable for the past week. She had a runny nose, was very irritable, and generally needy. We suspected that she was teething. All of the experts (Pediatricians, Mothers, etc.) say that the next to come in should be the top two front teeth. They look like they may pop anyday. In the meantime, a third tooth has started coming in on the bottom. And with all of the attention focused on her gums in the front, we managed to miss a tooth coming in up top. It's her lateral incisor (the one next to her front tooth). So much for the expected order of things! As of today, she has 4 teeth!