Lohr's Orchard always seemed to have a place in our family. We shopped there, found Easter eggs, picked blackberries, and Pop-pop even worked there! So it is understandable why I want Katherine to grow up knowing Lohr's Orchard. One of the most exciting times of the year is Autumn when pumpkins can be picked and plenty of fresh apples and apple cider to be consumed. We are lucky to live close to the Lohr's Orchard on Snake Lane and can still enjoy their harvests.
We had a very timely visit with Karen yesterday. Karen used to work at the Lohr's Orchard in Joppatowne. Karen, these pictures are for you!
We went to Lohr's to pick our pumpkins and buy some other fall favorites.
Here are some pictures from our wait for the hay wagon. There was free cider which we all enjoyed.

The hay wagon took us through the apple orchards with an optional stop for picking apples, through the tomato plant area, and then to the pumpkins. There were three wagons making the circuit, so no one had to wait very long for a ride.

Katherine's Find!

So Fun!

It didn't take long for K to find ladybugs!

We discussed how pumpkins start out as blossoms, and then turn into baby pumpkins before they get big and orange.

Guarding the Pumpkin!

There's nothing like a fresh apple on a fall day!