Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm Awake Already!

This morning's wake-up was abrupt...once I managed to get out of my cozy flannel-sheeted bed. On my way out the door, I almost fell over the Christmas decor that was blown over by the wind...right in the way of our threshold. Then the wind hit me! It was 15 degrees outside with a -5 degree windchill! Brrr! The wind managed to find a way through the top of my coat and down my shirt! So I finally made it into the car (thank goodness for seat warmers and commuter mugs full of coffee). I cranked up the heat and turned on the radio, hoping for a nice, mello Christmas song. Instead, Dominick the Donkey was playing. OK already, I'm awake!

Friday, December 19, 2008

2 1/2 Years Old!

Katherine had her 2 1/2 year check-up last week. She graduated to the stand-up scale for her height and weight. She is 30 pounds and 37 inches. That's right, she's more than half my height!

K-dog is fiercely independent and we hear her say "me do" no less than 20 times a day. She can put her mittens and hat on by herself (with the thumbs in the correct place) and is working on getting the zipper of her coat started. She is regularly doing #2 in the potty and #1 quite often. Some princess panties may be coming soon!

KC loves music; playing her piano, keyboard, drums, and assorted other instruments at home and at Mimi and Poppi's. She already has a good sense of rhythm and dynamics. She regularly holds "parades" and forces us to march along. Her favorite Christmas carols are Little Drummer Boy and Jingle Bells which she plays her instruments to Mimi's piano accompaniment. K tells me these are her "favorite". She also plays "songs" on her piano and sings along.

Katie is turning into a little lady. She has started taking her purse many places and tries to mimic Mommy. She went on the Holiday Candlelight House tour the other night and she did wonderfully, not touching anything, but admiring them all the same. Now if we can just keep her from sitting in her car seat with her legs spread eagle.

We also took Katherine to see The Nutcracker 2 weeks ago. She loved it! By the end, she was trying to "bust a move" like the ballerinas and wanted Rob to be "the man" (the male dancer). Some dance lessons may be in her future.

Do you know the Muffin Women?

Katherine helped me make some muffins the other day. We had a lot of fun, but the muffins didn't turn out great. I honestly think there was an ingredient left out of the recipe in the cookbook. Oh well, we had fun anyway.


We had a slight change in plans for Thanksgiving this year. Originally, Dawn and Billy were going to host us at their house. But they decided to bring the food to our house so we could all be closer to Richard (Rob's Dad) who was in Harford Memorial Hospital.

Richard must have been able to smell the Turkey frying on our front walk because they discharged him just in time for dinner. It was a nice, small gathering with a lot to be thankful for.

Here's a picture of the two Turkeys we didn't fry (Brayden and Katherine).