Do you ever do something or say something without thinking and then immediately catch yourself, knowing exactly where that came from? I've realized that several of my behaviors or responses to Katherine have come directly from childhood. Here are a few examples:
While driving to and fro, especially to the office in New Jersey, I instinctively play the "license plate game" in my head. It has amazed me how many people are driving through MD, DE, and NJ from other parts of the country. Some of this can probably be attributed to military personnel and their families, but I also wonder if people are driving more instead of flying because of the economy. Just this week (2 commuting days) I have seen cars from MD, DE, NJ, PA, VA, NY, MA, ME, VT, CT, NC, SC, FL, TN, CA, TX, WA, AK, OH, KY, SD, and LA. And why are there so many people from Quebec driving through this area?! Just yesterday, I saw no less than 15 cars from Quebec!
Trains - When I am stopped at a train crossing, I automatically start counting the number of cars on the train. Mom used to do this with me, probably so I'd be more patient with our delay.
Responses to Katherine - When we're getting ready to leave the house to go somewhere, we tell Katherine to go to the potty. Sometimes she says "but I don't have to go". My response is "TRY". (Thanks Dad) Sometimes Katherine asks "Why?" incessantly as most toddlers are known to do. After exhausting all of the real answers, I sometimes end up responding "Because I said so!" (Thanks Mom and Dad)
To this day, when I eat a ripe plum (one of my favorite summer-time treats!) I instinctively walk outside before biting into it. Apparently Mom used to send Scott and I outside to eat our plums so we wouldn't dribble the juice all over the house!
What habits do you attribute to your childhood?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Florida Vacation

We took a vacation to Florida a few weeks ago to visit Aunt Jan and Uncle Paul. We were adventurous and decided to make a road trip of it. Rob C. was kind enough to let us crash at his place in Raleigh, NC on the way down and back up.
Jan and Paul showed us around Palm Coast, Flagler Beach, Ormond Beach, St. Augustine, and Daytona. We were lucky enough to see Right Whales migrating while we ate lunch one day. They were beautiful! It was great to visit with Jan and Paul, and great to relax for a while. We had a great time! We also enjoyed the semi-warm weather down south. (it was colder when we left NC for FL than when we set out on our adventure from MD!)
Katherine said that her favorite part was digging on the beach. (However, I think Daddy and Uncle Paul did most of the digging!) We can't wait to visit again!

I added some links to the left side of the blog. One is for Victory Gardens and the other is for a blog about a family who is trying to live on $1500 for one year. I thought they would be of interest to everyone who may be trying to tighten their belt a little. ***The family living on $1500 a year has discontinued their blog for "personal reasons".
Katherine has enjoyed the snow we've had this year. She particularly enjoys "sleighing" (sledding) and "scraping" (shoveling). Her sledding involves us pulling her around the backyard in her sled. She's a pretty good scraper though! We're willing to hire her out to anyone that needs their snow cleared.