Friday, May 01, 2009
Play Time with Brayden
Brayden, Aunt Dawnie and Uncle Billy came by for a visit a few weeks ago. Bray and Katherine played on the swingset at the house for a while. The weather was gorgeous so we went downtown and walked on the Promenade. We saw boats, ducks, squirrels, and a groundhog. After lunch we had ice cream at Bomboy's! Yummo!
1st Visit to the Dentist
Katherine had her first visit to the Dentist. We had been prepping her for a while and thought she was ready. Dr. Fritz said he would only do what she let him. If that meant just counting her teeth, that would be fine. Mark's Mommy, Ms. Megan, works with Dr. Fritz, so it was nice to see a familiar face too! (Mark is one of K's buddies from church) Katherine was a little nervous but a very good patient. Dr. Fritz was able to count her teeth, check for cavities, polish her teeth, and even floss her molars!!! She was such a good patient, Katherine got to pick a prize from the box. She picked out a sparkly tooth fairy box. Woo hoo!

Easter 2009
I know, I've been negligent as a Mommy and haven't posted in a while.
Easter was a blast! Katherine enjoyed dressing up, including her bonnet, gloves, and purse. She also got the hang of hunting for Easter eggs. It helped that the youth group at church stuffed the eggs full of great candy! We topped off the day with a luncheon cruise on the Lantern Queen!
Easter was a blast! Katherine enjoyed dressing up, including her bonnet, gloves, and purse. She also got the hang of hunting for Easter eggs. It helped that the youth group at church stuffed the eggs full of great candy! We topped off the day with a luncheon cruise on the Lantern Queen!