In Maryland, children have to be screened for lead poisoning and anemia. They do this by drawing blood from their arm. We got this over with yesterday. As you can imagine, drawing blood from a 1 year-old is not an easy task. The lady that drew the blood was great and successfully drew blood on the first stick. I held K in a tight bear hug while Rob entertained her. Let's just say that she was NOT happy. She screamed, cried, and fought to get away. By the time it was finished, we got her sweater on, and went to Panera Bread for dinner, she had forgotten all about it.
Katherine is cruising around everything and is pretty darn fast. She will take a couple of steps to get to people or things she wants. Once she decides that she can walk, she's going to take off. Her eating is back to normal as her molars have stopped hurting. I think she has three out of four in. She has also graduated from her bottle and using cups (sippy, or with a lid and straw) exclusively with real milk or juice.
K is starting to say words like "cat", "duck", "bug", "Mama", "Dada", and "more". She started daycare three days a week and "Grandma and Grandpa-care" two days a week. We've noticed that being around other kids has really increased her babbling and talking.
Here are some pictures of Katherine being goofy. One is in the bathtub, the other is her giving a cheesy smile while playing in a box. The third picture is Katherine in her favorite position...upside down!

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