Tuesday, April 25, 2006


OK. I don't know if these bother anyone else, but they're driving me crazy. There are two commercials on t.v. that bother me so much I have to change the channel.

The first one is for Lamisil. It's the nail fungus drug that has the cartoon guys creating havoc under someone's toenail. For some reason, I can't handle seeing the toenail being flipped up by the little monsters. Grosses me out!

The second commercials are fairly new. Volkswagon has two commercials featuring the safety features (I think airbags and crumple zones) of the Jetta. It features people driving along, having a normal conversation, and then suddenly crashing into another car. The realism of the impact and the movement of the passengers is too much for me.

I know the goal is to get people to remember their product. But do companies realize how traumatic their commercials are? Sorry, I just had to vent.

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