Sunday, April 23, 2006

Prepared Childbirth Class

We attended the One Day Prepared Childbirth Class at the hospital yesterday from 8:30 to 2:00. It was scheduled to last until 3:30 but it ended early. The One day class was the alternative to attending several shorter classes over the span of a few weeks. The instructor was one of the same ladies who taught the Baby Basics Brunch. She's very down to earth.

We went over signs and symptoms of labor and when to call the Dr. She also explained the normal activities that will occur in the hospital before, during, and after the baby is born. We watched a very graphic video about the different stages of labor and birth. Rob particularly enjoyed that...NOT! Then we learned four methods of lamaze breathing. After lunch we went on a tour of the hospital. The labor and delivery rooms are very nice and spacious. All in all, it was a beneficial class.

Both days that we attended class at the hospital it was pouring rain. What's up with that?! I hope it's not a sign for delivery day. We came home and relaxed for the rest of the day. Our evening was topped off by watching the 1980's classic "She's Having a Baby". It's a great movie...except for the scary part with the emergency c-section. But knowing how it was going to turn out made it bearable.

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