Ugghhh! So I have been sick with a stomach virus since Sunday morning. I think I picked it up in the office on Friday since at least two co-workers have come down with it. I have the added pleasure of having pregnancy complications to deal with. To make this as brief as possible, I'll give a summary by day.
Sunday: I woke up at 5:00 am with severe vomiting and #2. At around 7:00 am I started having contractions about 10 minutes apart. So I called the OB. The nurse midwife was on-call. We agreed to keep an eye on things and see if drinking gatorade or ginger ale would help. Needless to say it didn't. Around noon I made the decision to go to the hospital. I was feeling very dehydrated and wanted to be treated and the baby monitored. Off we went. They were very good at the hospital. They pumped me full of a bag of fluid and monitored Katherine. The nurse midwife also came in and examined me. She said I was very effaced but not dialated at all. Katherine was doing fine. I was having contractions, but they were "unproductive". She said it was because of the sickness and that it was also causing me to have what they call an irritable uterus which was causing the contractions. I started feeling better after the fluid was in so they sent me home. That evening I was feeling a little better, but still not well.
Monday: The morning seemed to go well. No vomiting at least. The contractions also had stopped. Around 1:00 things started going downhill. The #2 picked up, I started feeling dehydrated again, and then SEVERE cramping started. The closest thing I can equate it to was when I had appendicitis. I called Rob, he came home, and we were off to the hospital again. During the ride I noticed that our next door neighbor happened to be in the car behind us with his son (a priest) and two other priests. Even in my state I found it somewhat a sitcom kind of way. Anyway, they hooked me up to the monitors again, took a bunch of blood, and got another bag of fluid going. They ruled out gall bladder issues, pre-eclampsia, and some other things. They said that all of my test results came back wonderfully. They examined me and there was still no progress in dialation. Katherine was also tolerating everything beautifully. The final verdict is that I have BAD acid reflux because of the virus and it doesn't have anywhere to go. So I'm pretty much on a diet of Mylanta, ginger ale, gatorade, and toast until I can tolerate something more substantial.
Tuesday: Rob is working from home today and is being a very attentive nurse. The Mylanta seems to really be helping. It seems that I'm on the road to recovery. I hope that no one else gets this virus. It's awful!