Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Baby Shower

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Rob and I were very touched at the outpouring of love and generosity from everyone who attended (and those who couldn't be there) our Baby shower on Saturday. I think Katherine is going to be the best dressed baby for her first 6 months! She also has just about everything a child could need for playtime, naptime, bathtime, and sicktime.

A special thank you goes out to everyone who helped with the planning and preparation of the Shower. I was honestly suprised. It's not something easily done to me. Usually I will pick up on some clue or another. However, I would have loved to have heard what the people at the Harford County Health Department and the Maryland Department of the Environment were saying about me! "What a psycho!" For those of you that were wondering, I finished the rest of my term paper and submitted it for grading. Just one quiz at the end of this week and then I will be done...until the Fall Semester.

***Update*** I just received my grade for my term paper. 95%! Woo Hoo! Thank you all for providing the incentive to get at least part of it done early!

Thanks again!

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