Friday, September 19, 2008

Summer Update

Katherine is officially 2 going on 16. She has quite a mind of her own. I'm sure her new door hanger is a sign of things to come.

K loves to ride her tricycle and is trying to convince Rob that she needs a scooter. She loves to count, sing songs, dance, and tell us ABCs. She is also pretty good with her shapes. Our current project is the potty. K-dog has been pretty good with #2 and seems to be getting the hang of #1. We still have a long way to go, but she's making progress. I recently went though some of her old clothes and found her strawberry sweater and hat from when she was about 4 months old. For some reason she feels it necessary to put the hat on when she plays her "pano". It's very hard to take her seriously.

Her hair was down to her armpits and we decided it was time for her first real haircut. Before now, only her bangs had been cut. Ms. Betty Angelucci (she also does my hair and Mom's) did a wonderful job. Katherine sat still for the whole thing too.

Mom, Rob and I took K to the Aquarium. It was a long day, but we all had a good time. I think K's favorite parts were the Dolphin show and the frog exhibit. There were lots of "big fishies" too.

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