Saturday, June 21, 2008

2 Years Old!

Another year has passed in a flash! Katherine is two years old!

Here are her stats: Height-36.5 inches (97th percentile and more than 1/2 my height)
Weight - 27 pounds (50th percentile and feels like 50 pounds)

We have entered the "Terrible Twos" which we've been told it will last until she's 30! Katherine is testing her limits with using the word "No" and sometimes throwing a tantrum. Luckily, she hasn't really pitched a fit in public. All-in-all, we think she's very mild in terms of tantrums, etc.

Katherine has many obsessions these days and even managed to correct the librarian at story hour about the difference between a back hoe and an excavator. Rob was so proud! So here is a small list of her obsessions:
Poppy's Boatie
School Buses
Big Trucks
Back Hoes
Abby Cadabby
Winnie the Pooh
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Her new clubhouse/swingset
Her friends Ashley and Ariel at daycare

We had a nice birthday party for Katherine last weekend. We missed all of those who couldn't make it and enjoyed the time we had to celebrate with everyone that was there. The weather was a little tentative, so we moved the party inside. The rain held off just long enough to get in some play time on the clubhouse/swingset. Here are some pictures from the party.

The Birthday Girl getting ready to slide.

Brayden climbing the Rock Wall.

K patiently waiting for her cupcake.

Andrew helping K with a present.

New/Old Job

I have gone back to work for my old company, Gallagher Marine Systems, as Assistant Response Manager. We worked out an arrangement that will allow me to work primarily from a home office. This will make it more conducive to family life and managing everyday chores, etc. It's nice to be back with such a great group of people and being involved in a field that I love. This past week was my first week back with GMS.


Katherine met a little boy a few weeks ago. His name is Jesse and he is the grandson of one of our fellow choir members. Jesse is six months older than Katherine and an absolute doll! He and Katherine have the same kind of demeanor, although Jesse is much more fearless. The kids went wading in the Bush River. Katherine was a little apprehensive, so Jesse held her hand. Then he insisted on showing her his tricycle (Katherine calls it a motorcycle) and his tricks on his new skateboard. (I'd normally be worried about a 2 1/2 year old on a skateboard, but it's just his size and he has incredible balance.) Anyway, where do boys learn this stuff?! It was almost like he was showing off his new, shiny corvette! Is this what we have to look forward to in about 14 years?!

Random Musings

There are many times that things strike me funny or get me thinking.

I've started listening to country music again sometimes. Maybe it's seeing the cows and horses, but it just sounds less annoying in MD than it did in NJ. I heard a song the other day that included the following lyrics "I want to check you for ticks." That has got to be my favorite line from a country song of all time! I'm sorry, but there was nothing sexy or romantic when we had to remove an embedded tick from Jolie Lassahn's neck at CampFire camp!

I think the driving schools need to be audited. It seems to me that more and more people don't know the rules about crossing double yellow lines, or not driving in the hatched areas of merge zones. In what world does anyone think it's safe to pass someone in the Harbor Tunnel?! Maybe they just don't care.

I think most everyone has heard of Gwen Stefani. And many of us know her song "Rich Girl". If not, here it is.
Obviously, Fiddler on the Roof was part of her inspiration.

A few weeks ago I heard another one of her songs, "Wind It Up"
"The Lonely Goatherd" from Sound of Music was used in this one. It's a little catchy, but bizarre at the same time.

Maybe her next song will include "I Can't Say No" from Oklahoma or "Ol' Man River" from Showboat!

And finally, I came across and Old School video from Sesame Street. How many of us remember this? Classic!