Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Frustration Abounds!

Katherine is officially overdue!

I had an appointment with the OB today for a non-stress test and an exam. The non-stress test showed that Katherine is doing beautifully. Her heart rate and movements are perfect.

The results of the exam were that I am not effaced or dialated at all. You may recall that the nurse-midwife has told us that I was "very effaced" on two occasions. (Cue frustration!) According to our OB, he "needs to review pelvic exams with her". He was very certain of his assessment and seemed quite perturbed with the nurse-midwife.

Long story short, I'm scheduled for another non-stress test and exam on Friday. We'll discuss the plan of action after seeing if any progress has been made. The OB doesn't want us getting to 42 weeks without delivering. So one way or another, something will happen before June 19th.

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